Monday, May 22, 2006

A-day +13 Whitehorse, YT, to Tok, AK

Ho hum, just another day on the road. But what a road! Yesterday's scenery was the best I've ever seen. But today wasn't too shabby. How about this taken just south of Haines Junction, YT?

After Haines Junction, the road becomes more like a ride at Six Flags than a highway. I was in the lead today, and I learned to adjust the speed of the RV based on the straightness of the yellow stripes in the middle (when there was one) and the white stripe along the side (which is nonexisitent in this picture). Can you see the hump in the yellow stripe? Better slow down or you'll think your on the mechanical bull at Gilley's.

Though the pavement was bad, this is the Alaska Highway after all. Let's check out the wildlife-o-meter and see what Mother Nature graced our eyes with today:

1 Black Bear (licking its foot) on the side of the road
6-8 Elk grazing on the side of the road
24 Dahl Sheep resting on the side of a mountain
2 Moose (a mom and her yearling calf) next to the road (but very camera shy)
Snow (not technically an animal, but still pretty cool to a bunch of Texans)
1 Proctology wannabe with a flashlight in a holster in the cafe. (This is another story)

And finally, this huge bird. It looked sort of like a bald eagle, but was way bigger--turkey sized. The bill was strange, too. Anyone have an idea what this thing is?

Well, it was great today. We have another long drive tomorrow, but we are going to my favorite town in Alaska--Talkeetna.

Keep the rubber side down. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Ms. Conduct said...

It's an Alaskan Platypus-beaked Buzzard.

Gorgeous scenery! Mom, do you have your bear bell with you?

BTW, the new Chicks album is out if you need to pick up some new driving music. :) There's even a song called Lubbock or Leave It.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Dreama said...

it is a bald eagle. seriously, a buzzard, dude?

10:54 PM  

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