Friday, May 12, 2006

A-day +4 Cascade Locks to Seattle

It was a nice, short day on the road, but it was almost all very congested Interstate. Hard on the nerves.

But we took a little side trip over an Historic Scenic Road. Very narrow and apparently built in the days of wagons. Our host at the Cascade Locks KOA said this road has the second highest density of waterfalls in North America (or something like that). This one is called Horsetail Falls.

The next one came with this beautiful old stone building which houses a bar and grill. You can just see the falls above and behind the chimney in the center of the picture. Sorry, I don't know the name, but it is on the sign in the lower, right corner of the picture.

Near the end of the road, high above the Columbia River, there is an observation building which has the date 1917 in stone above the front door. It is part of the Oregon Parks System. This is the view of the river from the observation building.

Finally today, we took one more side trip. I was very disappointed that we failed in our attempt to see Lake City, CA, and therefore may not make our goal of visiting every "Lake City" in the USA. So as a secondary goal, we decided to visit every "Longview" in the USA. Since there are only two Longviews, as of today our goal is accomplished and as proof, here is the public library in the city of Longview, WA.

This part of the country was devastated by the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980. Longview, and its twin city, Kelso, were covered with inches of ash from the eruption. Today it is a very beautiful little city of about 35,000 people.

Tomorrow is a big day as Sue arrives. WooHoo! Can't wait to see Sue! Oh, yeah, and Doug. Posted by Picasa


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